Синельник Эльвира Наильевна

Видео (1)

Контакты актёра

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2024 Чёрная пудра Клаудия
2023 Бизон: Дело манекенщицы билетёрша в кинотеатре
2023 1993 Вероника Донская
2022 Первый Оскар Ида Яковлевна
2021 Триггер 2 пациентка
2021 Гранит Джейн
2020 Подмена (к/м) Эльза
2017 Институт Роузвуд медсестра
2016 Хороший сосед репортёр
2016 Iris девушка мафиози

Полная фильмография



Танцы: Современные
Спорт: Теннис, Йога, Фитнес, Плавание, Аэробика, Велосипед, Бадминтон, Сценическое фехтование, Волейбол, Гимнастика, Бильярд, Боулинг, Верховая езда, Коньки, Лыжи, Теннис настольный
Языки: Английский, Корейский
Инструменты: Пианино, Гитара
Пение: Сопрано
Права: B


1. LAFA 60 Best films - 60 semi-finalists best indie
2. Pittsburg Independent Film Festival Official Selection 2020
3. Independent Shorts Award - Official Selection - best indie short and best duo
4. Oniros Film Awards Semi-finalists official selection best film of the month
5. Oniros Film Awards FINALISTS
6. Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood
7. Top Shorts Film Festival - Official Selection 60 Best films - 60 semi-finalists
8. Top Shorts Top 15 screenplays
9. Festigious International Film festival Los Angeles - 60 best films - 60 semi-finalist
10. Indie Short Fest Award nominee: Best Actress, Best Duo
11. Actors Award: Award nominee Best Actress , Best Acting Duo, Finalist Performance of Fest June 2020
12. New York Film Awards - Official selection - Finalists Best Picture
13. Kalakari film festival India - Official selection
14. Prague International Monthly Film Festival - Official selection
15. Arpa International Film Festival - Official Selection (screening November )
16. Toronto independent film festival - Official Selection (screening September 10-19)
17. Внеконкурсная программа Фестиваля Короче 2020
18. Košice International Monthly Film Festival Official Selection
19. Seattle True Independent Film Festival (STIFF) - Official Selection (Screening)
20. Best Actor Award New-York - official Selection Best Duo
21. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Drama
22. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Sound
23. Actors Awards - The Actress of the Year
24. Festigious - Best indie short (Annual nomination)
25. New York Film Awards - Annual nomination - Best indie short
26. VEGAS movie awards 2020 - Official selection
27. VEGAS movie awards 2020 - Semi-finalist - Best short, Best Actress, Best Duo
28. VEGAS movie awards 2020 - Finalist - Best Actress, Best Duo
29. Gold movie awards (London) - Official selection
30. New wave short film festival (Munich) - Official selection, semi-finalist
31. Queen Palm International film festival - official selection
32. Hollywood Verge Film Awards - official selection
33. Gold movie awards (London) - Semi-finalist Best Screenplay
34. Finalist of the New York Cinematography AWARDS
35. Dubai independent film festival - official selection
1. Independent Shorts Awards : best indie short (Honorable Mentions Award)
2. Independent Shorts Awards : best acting duo (Honorable Mentions Award)
3. TOP SHORTS Honourable Mention: Duo
Elvira Sinelnik & Erin Michele Soto
3. TOP SHORTS: Best Indie Filmmaker
Alex Fedosov, Elvira Sinelnik
4. LAFA: Best indie short
5. Oniros Film Awards - WINNER Best experimental film
6. Festigious International Film festival Los Angeles - BEST indie film
7. Actors Awards - Best Actress June 2020
8. New York Film Awards - Best Indie Short
9. New York Film Awards - Best actress in an indie film
10. Prague International Monthly Film Festival - Honorable mention: indie short film
11. Best Actor Award New-York - Winner Bronze - Best acting Duo
12. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Drama
13. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Sound
14. Vegas Movie Awards (November edition): Award of Prestige - Best actress
15. Vegas Movie Awards (November edition): Award of Excellence - Best acting Duo

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