Синельник Эльвира Наильевна

Синельник Эльвира


Портфолио (Шоурил)


Возраст 39 лет
Гражданство Россия
Город проживания Москва
Образование New-York Film Academy, 2016
Bernard Hiller, 2020
The Michael Chekhov international Academy
Правовой статус СЗ (самозанятый)
Тип внешности Европейский
Телосложение Стройное
Рост 168
Вес 53
Размер одежды 42
Размер обуви 36
Длина волос Средние
Цвет волос Блондин
Цвет глаз Зелено-голубой


Контакты могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи


2024 Чёрная пудра Клаудия
2023 Бизон: Дело манекенщицы билетёрша в кинотеатре
2023 1993 Вероника Донская
2022 Первый Оскар Ида Яковлевна
2021 Триггер 2 пациентка
2021 Гранит Джейн
2020 Подмена (к/м) Эльза
2017 Институт Роузвуд медсестра
2016 Хороший сосед репортёр
2016 Iris девушка мафиози


The Actors Group Theatre (Лос-Анджелес) 2016 «Streetcar named desire» - Stella
The Next Stage Theatre (Лос-Анджелес) 2016 «Angels Academy» - Lead
ACME Comedy Theatre (Лос-Анджелес) 2016 «Agnes of God» - Dr. Livingston


Танцы: Современные
Спорт: Теннис, Йога, Фитнес, Плавание, Аэробика, Велосипед, Бадминтон, Сценическое фехтование, Волейбол, Гимнастика, Бильярд, Боулинг, Верховая езда, Коньки, Лыжи, Теннис настольный
Языки: Английский, Корейский
Инструменты: Пианино, Гитара
Пение: Сопрано
Права: B


1. LAFA 60 Best films - 60 semi-finalists best indie
2. Pittsburg Independent Film Festival Official Selection 2020
3. Independent Shorts Award - Official Selection - best indie short and best duo
4. Oniros Film Awards Semi-finalists official selection best film of the month
5. Oniros Film Awards FINALISTS
6. Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood
7. Top Shorts Film Festival - Official Selection 60 Best films - 60 semi-finalists
8. Top Shorts Top 15 screenplays
9. Festigious International Film festival Los Angeles - 60 best films - 60 semi-finalist
10. Indie Short Fest Award nominee: Best Actress, Best Duo
11. Actors Award: Award nominee Best Actress , Best Acting Duo, Finalist Performance of Fest June 2020
12. New York Film Awards - Official selection - Finalists Best Picture
13. Kalakari film festival India - Official selection
14. Prague International Monthly Film Festival - Official selection
15. Arpa International Film Festival - Official Selection (screening November )
16. Toronto independent film festival - Official Selection (screening September 10-19)
17. Внеконкурсная программа Фестиваля Короче 2020
18. Košice International Monthly Film Festival Official Selection
19. Seattle True Independent Film Festival (STIFF) - Official Selection (Screening)
20. Best Actor Award New-York - official Selection Best Duo
21. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Drama
22. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Sound
23. Actors Awards - The Actress of the Year
24. Festigious - Best indie short (Annual nomination)
25. New York Film Awards - Annual nomination - Best indie short
26. VEGAS movie awards 2020 - Official selection
27. VEGAS movie awards 2020 - Semi-finalist - Best short, Best Actress, Best Duo
28. VEGAS movie awards 2020 - Finalist - Best Actress, Best Duo
29. Gold movie awards (London) - Official selection
30. New wave short film festival (Munich) - Official selection, semi-finalist
31. Queen Palm International film festival - official selection
32. Hollywood Verge Film Awards - official selection
33. Gold movie awards (London) - Semi-finalist Best Screenplay
34. Finalist of the New York Cinematography AWARDS
35. Dubai independent film festival - official selection
1. Independent Shorts Awards : best indie short (Honorable Mentions Award)
2. Independent Shorts Awards : best acting duo (Honorable Mentions Award)
3. TOP SHORTS Honourable Mention: Duo
Elvira Sinelnik & Erin Michele Soto
3. TOP SHORTS: Best Indie Filmmaker
Alex Fedosov, Elvira Sinelnik
4. LAFA: Best indie short
5. Oniros Film Awards - WINNER Best experimental film
6. Festigious International Film festival Los Angeles - BEST indie film
7. Actors Awards - Best Actress June 2020
8. New York Film Awards - Best Indie Short
9. New York Film Awards - Best actress in an indie film
10. Prague International Monthly Film Festival - Honorable mention: indie short film
11. Best Actor Award New-York - Winner Bronze - Best acting Duo
12. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Drama
13. The Global Independent Film Awards - Best Sound
14. Vegas Movie Awards (November edition): Award of Prestige - Best actress
15. Vegas Movie Awards (November edition): Award of Excellence - Best acting Duo